Life Transitions provides essential funeral service needs at the time of your loved one’s death, whether it be cremation or burial. We provide the transportation from place of death, the documentation required for preliminary estate care, the cremation or burial arrangements and assistance, if needed, for Celebrations of Life.

We notify the government, life insurance companies if applicable and take care of the application forms for Canada Pension Lump Sum Death Benefit as well as Survivors Benefits if necessary.

At such a difficult time, we strive to relieve your family of stress and uncertainty by making the Traditional Funeral Service, Visiting/Viewing, Celebration of Life arrangements, paperwork and financial burden as simple as possible.

By Pre-Planning your funeral arrangements, you can give your family the reassurance that comes from knowing they are prepared for the future. Alleviate the financial anxiety that can often overwhelm unprepared family members and friends by ensuring the necessary services are paid for and all details have been finalized prior to death occurring.

Life Transitions has created an intimate gathering space onsite. This space is ideal for small gatherings of up to 35 people. Families requiring a space to spend time with a loved one to say goodbye, hold a small visitation or funeral will appreciate the convenience of this space.